WEBER extrusion
PEX lines

Up to 350
kg/h output capacity
for the optimum cross linkage
PEXa Pipe extrusion
Your requirement: Pipes for extremely high thermal requirements. Our answer: Extruders and pipe heads for the extrusion of high-quality PEXa pipes. Due to the peroxidic cross linkage of HDPE, the PEXa-pipe ranks among the best of its type. PEXa-pipes are used specifically to meet extremely high requirements, e.g. in the heating and sanitary area, in geothermic systems, in the area of district heating or in the industry. For these powerful pipes, WEBER also offers powerful extruders and, in cooperation with the company IBA, especially customised complete production lines for pipes.
PEX lines
for extrusion with high thermal requirements
CE7 PEX | 30-100 kg/h |
DS7 PEX | 60-120 kg/h |
DS9.25 PEX | 120-220 kg/h |
DS9.32 PEX | 200-350 kg/h |